Kamis, 27 Juni 2013


Hellooo 3usworld lovers!!!

Sebetulnyaa niii udah lamaaa banget aku mau posting tentang ini. Berawal dari nemuin sebuah video klip kereen dari girlband Korea; Sunny Hill namanya berjudul "Goodbye To Romance" yang suksees bikin aku termehek - mehek plus senyum-senyuum gak berhenti sampai melodi terakhir. Kenapaa? karena lagu itu tuh liriknya "real" bangeet tentang bagaimana kita bisa mensyukuri moment2 di masa lalu, ketika kita pertama kali jatuh cinta sama seseorang untuk kemudian berpamitan sama kisah cinta masa lalu, karena kita mau menyambut kisah cinta kita yang "real" di masa depan ketika dewasa. ^_^ Daan di lagu ini nih, mengkhususkan pada cerita cinta waktu kita masih kecil. Uuugh, cerita cinta masa kecil emang selalu menarik. Makanya banyak kisah2 drama romantis lebih seruu ketika mengangkat tentang tema cinta di masa kecil. Apalagi kalau cerita cinta di masa kecil terus berlanjut sampai dewasa. Waaaah pasti seruu banget tuuh, hehehe ^_^

Daaan cerita cinta masa kecil kayak gini jujur juga pernah aku alami daan sekarang masih suka bikin aku senyum-senyum sendiri kalau ingat. Jugaa bikin aku berjuta-juta kaliii bersyukur sama Allah karena memberikanku skenario hidup yaaang indah, penuh warna, yang kata seorang temenku hampir sempurna. Soalnya kayak film2 drama romantis Korea-Jepang gituuu (masaaak siiiih? narsis banget siiih kamu 3us...hehehe) iyaa deeh kalau gak percaya ntar tunggu aja novelnya terbit yaaa!! ^_^

Okaay deeh friends ini diaaa video klipnyaaa....karena liriknya berbahasa korea, aku tuliskan juga translate_annya yaa dalam bahasa Inggris, okaay? ^_^


English Translation:
It’s time for goodbye, my romance, goodbye
The season where I feel like yesterday.
Goodbye now, my romance, goodbye
Goodbye to romance for the first time whose waiting is also beautiful now.
Though it’s sadder, goodbye
My memory
While looking at the yearbook inside of a drawer in my sister’s room,
I came to look at that senior who was the class president of third grade and first class.
Standing by the window at lunchtime,
I loved watching you gorgeous like a basketball star.
It’s time for goodbye, my romance, goodbye
The season where I feel like yesterday.
Goodbye now, my romance, goodbye
Goodbye to romance for the first time whose waiting is also beautiful now.
Though it’s sadder, goodbye
My memory
Since you were like the high sky to such a freshman as me.
It was too difficult to say a word.
There was only two-year-gap.
Your three lettered name filled a notebook.
Even though I didn’t have enough courage to give it to you
My heart fluttered whenever I think of your name.
If he got married, if he remembers my name, if he still lives in that town, and if he grew there…
I want to leave this great memory here so…
Goodbye to my romance, goodbye
The season where I feel like yesterday.
Goodbye now, my romance, goodbye
Goodbye to romance for the first time whose waiting is also beautiful now.
Goodbye goodbye now
It’s time for goodbye, my romance, goodbye
The season where I feel like yesterday.
Goodbye now, my romance, goodbye
Goodbye to romance for the first time whose waiting is also beautiful now.
Though it’s sadder, goodbye
My memory

Peace, 3us ^_^

PS: This is for you Kun! ^_*

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